1) Running out of repels in a cave while playing Pokemon
2) Hiding behind a veil of irony to enjoy the things you like
3) Pretentiousness (though I must admit I'm often guilty of it)
4) Nutella commercials
5) The sound of forks on plates
6) The general rudeness of the Youtube community
7) Windows Vista
8) Dogs
9) Waking up at 5am every Sunday (The day of rest!)
10) Being clumsy
11) Overused, generic quote-garden caliber sayings
12) Overly negative and dramatic Facebook statuses
13) How the best tasting foods just have to be so bad for you
14) Condescension
15) Your computer conveniently freezing when you're in a hurry
16) Reality TV, and catching myself watching it, or momentarily being convinced that the characters are actually behaving naturally
17) The taste of sea water on my lips
18) My stomach growling in the middle of class
19) Admitting I'm wrong
20) Reoccurring troublesome thoughts
21) Finding out someone ate the last taquito
22) Buying a really nice item of clothing, then realizing I've nothing to wear it with
23) Dwelling on the past
24) Forgetting what you were about to say
25) How (pardon the cliché, but) you really don't know what you have until it's gone