25 Things That bother Me

With A Little Luck

Living The Dream

I've got ten minutes to think of 25 things that bother me...Go.
1) Running out of repels in a cave while playing Pokemon
2) Hiding behind a veil of irony to enjoy the things you like
3) Pretentiousness (though I must admit I'm often guilty of it)
4) Nutella commercials
5) The sound of forks on plates
6) The general rudeness of the Youtube community
7) Windows Vista
8) Dogs
9) Waking up at 5am every Sunday (The day of rest!)
10) Being clumsy
11) Overused, generic quote-garden caliber sayings
12) Overly negative and dramatic Facebook statuses
13) How the best tasting foods just have to be so bad for you
14) Condescension
15) Your computer conveniently freezing when you're in a hurry
16) Reality TV, and catching myself watching it, or momentarily being convinced that the characters are actually behaving naturally
17) The taste of sea water on my lips
18) My stomach growling in the middle of class
19) Admitting I'm wrong
20) Reoccurring troublesome thoughts
21) Finding out someone ate the last taquito
22) Buying a really nice item of clothing, then realizing I've nothing to wear it with
23) Dwelling on the past
24) Forgetting what you were about to say
25) How (pardon the cliché, but) you really don't know what you have until it's gone
This is my unofficial Goddaughter and her collection of Dora dolls. I went over the other day and she wouldn't let me leave her room until I quite literally OD'd on Dora The Explorer. Now, it is really fun to be a kid again (just the other day, I made my own Blizzard, pictures of that in tomorrow's post) but there's only so much you can sing "I'm The Map" without wanting to hurl. Had a great time though, felt good to take some time away from being so damned serious and spend some time with Baby K. Honestly, I've been so wrapped up in keeping up my new rep and preventing myself from falling back into that organizational no-man's-land that was my high school years that I sometimes forget to be the old messy, sloppy, childish freak I once was.
Thanks, Karina <3
The most amazing thing happened today. The girl who was sitting to my right in my Mass Media class turned to me and told me I was really organized.
Now, this may not seem like a big deal. In fact, for those of you to whom organization and neatness comes naturally, it may be about as attention-worthy as someone commenting on the colour or your shoes. However, I've been waiting a very long time for someone to say that to me. Truth be told, no one has ever said anything positive about my organizational skills.
Just wanted to share the little thing that made my day. With a little luck, maybe this newfound tidiness will last. I'll keep you posted on the matter.
Last year was my actual first year of University but I butchered it so badly that I'm counting this as my official first. After taking two summer courses to catch up, I'm back at school, still dealing with compulsive ticks, mind floods and anxiety, but keeping it under wraps. This isn't a fresh start or a clean slate, it's me learning from my mistakes, remembering what they did to me and never repeating them again. Everyone's got issues, misfortunes and disabilities. When faced with these, you can do one of two things; feel sorry for yourself, back down, and use the bad hand you've been dealt as your crutch, or make the decision to move forward, and fight like hell to catch up to the track you were once on.