I really feel like we're setting ourselves back as people and as a society because our approach to debating and arguing is really skewed. We see it as an opportunity to be proved right and incite others to adopt our reality or our point of view. It's so easy to refute another's arguments by systematically taking the ones that aren't as coherent and focusing on them, while ignoring the ones that successfully challenge and defy our views. Arguments often take a turn for the worse with nonsense, ridicule, and intimidation, both parties eventually engaging in a sort of meta-argument. Even when we are sticking to the content, we're using everything from emotional appeals, to sarcasm, to exaggeration. We chose our words in a very particular way in order to influence people. It's almost never purely informative. Simple rhetoric proves nothing. As Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote, "We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the way in which is has been expressed is unsympathetic to us."
I think the model of debate that we seem to cling to partly due to our stubborn, self-righeous, opinionated nature is grossly inadequate. Argumentative discussions shouldn't be all about forcing your opinion on others. It shouldn't be a You vs Me thing. I think arguing should be more of a You + Me thing, you know? Two or more people collaborating in order to get one step closer to the truth. Everyone involved offers a helping hand in the quest to being better informed.
We need to realize that there no such thing as being unbiased. We all see the world differently because of our varying social, economic, and cultural standpoints. By using the experiences and technical expertise of others, viewing every piece of information with an open mind, the bias meter starts to go down as the objectivity one goes up. By accepting that your views may be right or wrong and constantly seeking not to prove something, but to gain awareness, congruent information and conflicting evidence, you and the person with whom you are arguing may still have diverging points of view, but you will be better able to support them in an objective manor.
So, instead of attacking or belittling those who think differently than me, I pledge to consider and weigh out every single argument they offer and respond accordingly, appropriately and consider their words carefully. I will see the debate as a give and take information/experience-based exchange with someone who is on the same side as me, in this crazy, life-long battle against misinformation, preconceived notions, misconceptions, stereotypes, fallacies, illusions, delusions.. But I digress. Just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter.
I think everyone should watch the following two clips. They're recordings from Chasing Daylight, an up-and-coming band comprised of a few of my friends. The two songs are acoustic covers of Kings of Leon and The Animals.
Time to admit stuff I've never really wanted to admit. I hear it can be quite liberating.
You know, getting up early to take a shower, put on your best pair of perfect butt sweatpants and a cute tank, straightening your hair only to "throw" it in the nicest messy bun the world has ever seen, doesn't count as not caring. It doesn't qualify as not having gotten ready. It's not an example of a lazy or an ugly day.
You want to know what counts as an ugly day? What I look like right now. I got two hours of sleep last night. I fell asleep in the same jeans I'm wearing and they're falling off because I was too exhausted to put on a belt. I didn't put my hair in a ponytail, I kept it in yesterday's ponytail because it's too knotted to let it down. I had exactly five minutes this morning to choose between brushing my teeth and taking off my flaked makeup and I chose dental hygiene. I'm wearing a baggy sweater that I absolutely detest over a tank top that doesn't even remotely match anything else on me. I also started a cold, my eyes are red, and my nose is peeling. My mascara's everywhere, my face looks gross, my hair looks like a cross between a caveman and Cruella Deville.
You think you're having an ugly day? Take your tight little sweatpants and shov'em.
It often seems like I have the best of times when nothing turns out as planned and everything seems to be going wrong. Two nights ago, I spent a lot time getting ready and excited to go clubbing with girlfriends I hadn't seen in forever. I was stoked because I hadn't gone out in so long and I was really looking forward to a good night with the girls. A friend of ours dropped us off at the bar at around 11:30. The lineup was humongous, but we figured we wouldn't be out there much longer than forty minutes. We were very wrong. An hour an a half later, we were still outside in line, wearing nothing but mini-dresses. I was truly colder than I had ever been. It was now nearly 1. One hour left 'til last call, and the club was at full-capacity. The lineup hadn't budged in almost fifteen minutes. Finally deciding to call it quits, we chose to go defrost and drown our sorrows at the nearest establishment. We didn't care where we were going, as long as it was inside. Don't think it's possible to sprint in a dress and heels? Think again.
When we got to Peddler's, a small irish pub, we were happy to feel our extremities once again, but we were miserable. What a waste of a night, we all thought. There was a little over fifty minutes left 'til closing, our pre-drink buzz was long gone, we were still shivering, and we weren't at the club! The first thing I did when I got inside was make up for lost time. I ordered a shot of tequila, a whiskey sour, and a Coors Light. 5 minutes later, I started complaining. And complaining. I had the right to do so though, didn't I? I mean, considering everything we had gone through throughout the night? It wasn't until the last half hour that I realized I had been choosing to be miserable and angry, and in doing so hadn't paid notice to the great live band covering everything from Journey, to Big & Rich, to Britney Spears. Instead of staying in my seat and sulking even more, I joined my friends, who were pretty well the only people in the entire pub dancing. I chose then not to let even some of the shittiest two hours ever ruin my last half hour at the bar. And so we warmed up, pubclubbed, had a great time, and did what everyone knows you should do when things go wrong but hardly anyone ever does:
we quit our useless bitching, and imposed a great time upon ourselves. As those tired, over-used, yet horribly under-applied sayings go, we found the silver lining and made the best of our situation.
Again, random order:
1. Honesty
2. Humility
3. Humour
4. Inner geek
5. A good dependence/independence balance
6. Spontaneity
7. Engaging conversation
8. A winning smile
9. A positive attitude
... And much more. I just picked the first things to pop in my head.
Oh, or he could just look exactly like George Clooney.
In no particular order:
1. Paul McCartney
With: Shanel Belanger, Gabriel Bertrand
Where: Plaines d'Abraham, Quebec
2. Hedley (x2)
With: Mom first time, dad second
Where: Sudbury Arena
3. Coldplay
With: Justin Trottier, Connie Trottier
Where: Ottawa
4. John Mayer
With: Justin, Connie
Where: Ottawa
5. U2
With: Justin, Connie
Where: Toronto
6. Great Big Sea
With: Mom, Dad, Shanel, Zackari Trudeau, Justin, Connie, uncle Ian, aunt Linda
Where: Sudbury arena
7. Jack's Mannequin
With: Maxine Vincent
Where: Dallas Night Club, Kitchener
8. Barenaked Ladies
With: Dillan Gravel, Zackari, Maxine
Where: Massey Hall, Toronto
Yes, I want to go skydiving, to see the seven wonders, and to shake hands with my idol. However, when making my bucket list, I decided to add some easier-to-obtain goals to make the every day things seem exciting, rewarding, and worth commemorating. Also, if I do fail to carry out my other dreams, at least I'll have checked off a few numbers. These include:
a) Try every single sub at Subway
b) Go change-diving in a fountain (That's me living on the wild side)
d) Have gone to 40 concerts
e) Do Karaoke night
f) Get married
g) Turn an apartment into a huge blanket fort and have a no healthy foods allowed rule (relive my kidness)
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